We believe that the Holy Spirit is leading the planning process.
We will observe all relevant norms of Church doctrine and law.
We will not presume that the way it has always been, is the way that it must be. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit, we will learn and be open to change as we engage this process.
Every effort will be made to provide opportunities for all members of the parish to be aware of and involved in the planning process.
The strategic pastoral plan should include proposals for the recruitment, formation, affirmation and support for priests, deacons, religious, and lay leadership for ministry and parishes.
We acknowledge that not every part of the diocese, especially mission territory, functions according to the norms that typically govern parish structure and life. We will respect this diversity and work as one body to meet the needs of all.
The weekend Mass will remain central to our planning efforts.
The support and nurture of healthy, viable parishes is paramount to our efforts.
Parish priests should not say more than four weekend Masses (2 per day).We will observe all relevant norms of Church doctrine and law.